What Does Stay Frosty Mean?

What Does Stay Frosty Mean?

Ever wonder what the phrase “stay frosty” means? This bit of military slang is part of the modern English language, used by soldiers and popularized by Hollywood in movies. So, what does stay frosty mean and is the slang term used still by military personnel? Dr. Will Dabbs, a former U.S. Army pilot, gives us his take in today’s article.

I really, really like Aliens. Aliens was one of the last true analog sci-fi epics done in the era before the widespread use of digital imagery. Stan Winston did the creature effects when he was at the top of his game. Aliens was arguably Hollywood’s greatest sequel. 

In addition to a killer story, epic weapons and equipment, Hollywood’s best-ever monsters, and an arguably perfect cast, Aliens had some simply magnificent dialogue. Remember when Corporal Hicks said, “We’re all in strung out shape, but stay frosty, and alert. We can’t afford to let one of those things in here.”?

stay frosty military term in movie Aliens

But what does “Stay Frosty” actually mean, and how does this apply to personal defense out here in the real world?

Militarized Etymology

Of all the many-splendored aspects of my time as an Army officer, the unique and distinctive lexicon has been one of the most persistent. I no longer recall how to load secure fills into a SINCGARS radio, calculate the weight and balance of a military helicopter, or prep a HUMVEE for sling load. However, my wife informs me that, on my deathbed, my dying word will still be, “Hooah.” Use stuff like that when you’re young, and it sticks with you forever. So it is with the term, “Stay Frosty.”

definition of stay frosty military term united states army

As you likely guessed, “Stay Frosty” indeed has martial origins. According to Google, “Stay Frosty” is milspeak for, “Be alert and ready for action, while remaining calm and not letting fear or other emotions get in the way…Staying alert in dangerous situations.” Distilled to its essence, this means to remain ever vigilant and to assiduously avoid panic. Maybe it can be further reduced to the definition of stay alert.

High-Dose Reality

I’ll let you in on a little secret. As a physician, I oftentimes don’t immediately know exactly what to do when faced with something weird, unusual or rare. If that situation is also bloody, chaotic and terrifying, part of my job becomes simply to be a fixed point. When deep in the suck, it helps to have somebody who is reliably not freaking out. That’s what Stay Frosty really means. No matter what you do, don’t lose your cool and make things worse.

stay frosty applies to urban environments for CCW and every day carry

The term also concerns alertness and attention to detail. This requirement is beaten into new recruits in the military. Guard duty is reliably tedious. However, stop paying attention at a critical moment, and your entire unit pays the price. Staying frosty also means to keep sharp and remain focused, even if the world might not seem acutely threatening.

Applications of Stay Frosty

With more than a million burglaries in the U.S. every year spread across more than 100 million households, there is a roughly one-in-100 or so chance we will face a home invasion each and every year. Live long enough, and those numbers start to catch up to you. When you hear glass breaking downstairs in the middle of the night, it is time for well-reasoned, controlled action, not unfettered panic.

definition of stay frosty is to remain vigilant

Precious few of us will ever be called upon to HALO into the Hindu Kush to rescue the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders from the clutches of some evil despot. However, we might actually be the first to drive up on a horrible car wreck or be present when a coworker suffers a reversible medical emergency. Under those circumstances, it behooves us to keep our heads.

Tactical Practicalities

There’s obviously more to being awesome in a stressful situation than just willing oneself to be so. However, there are things that normal people can do to prepare themselves for decidedly abnormal circumstances. Most of it is actually pretty easy.

First, keep yourself in good shape. If you drink excessively or smoke, then, for the love of all that’s good, stop doing those things. Don’t eat garbage, and get some exercise. That’s the easy stuff.

When you shoot, try shooting against a timer. That heartless little rascal can become your best and worst friend. However, actually quantifying performance does help us improve. It is also a safe stress analog. It’s typically not too difficult for a serious gun nerd to shoot fairly well when they’re comfortable. The goal is to shoot well when stressed.

stay frosty meaning

If your range space allows, move while you shoot (but do it safely!). Precious few live defensive encounters will occur while you are stationary in your Barcalounger after a hearty meal and a good night’s sleep. Train as you fight. That means moving while assiduously maintaining muzzle discipline and trying to add a little pressure to the equation. Incorporate “friendlies” targets into the target mix to help hold yourself accountable for every round fired.

Classical English Origins of a Classic Military Term

No less a literary luminary than Rudyard Kipling wrote, “If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you…you’ll be a Man, my son!” In a crisis one should always strive to be that fixed point, the immovable object upon which your friends, family and coworkers can always rely. Doing so requires repetitive training, personal discipline, and a survivor’s mindset.

Keep your head on a swivel, and watch out for trouble. Pay attention to those Spidey senses — that still, small voice that lets you know something’s not right. There’s usually a reason for that. Then if something does go sideways, approach the problem as calmly and rationally as possible. In short, stay frosty, my friends. 

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