Egypt is prime real estate in a bad neighborhood. On its eastern border, it ...

To help it buy the right technology from IT companies, the Defense Information Systems ...

Troops in the field may soon have supercomputers at their fingertips, thanks to a ...

As Department Defense looks to find the right mix of bespoke and openly available ...

Software is a critical component of military missions, but for too long, the Defense ...

VICTORIA, British Columbia — Initial construction is beginning on a new fleet of warships ...

The House on Friday passed 217-198 its annual defense spending bill for fiscal 2025, ...

Taiwanese officials don’t see war with China as inevitable or unavoidable even as Chinese ...

The U.S. Department of Defense’s zero-trust program office says it’s working on establishing independent, ...

A pair of the Army’s next-generation rotary-wing engines were delivered to Lockheed Martin’s Sikorsky ...