New Arctic & Extreme Cold Weather Ops Pub ATP 3-90.96 MCTP 12-10E

New Arctic & Extreme Cold Weather Ops Pub ATP 3-90.96 MCTP 12-10E

New Arctic & Extreme Cold Weather Ops Pub ATP 3-90.96 MCTP 12-10E

The Army and Marine Corps have released a new Arctic & Extreme Cold Weather Ops publication.

The Arctic is simultaneously an arena of competition, a line of attack in conflict, a vital area holding many natural resources, and key terrain for global power projection. As such, a ready and capable land force in arctic operations serves to deter threats to the U.S. homeland, its allies, and interests in the Arctic.

As an expeditionary force, the U.S. military stays prepared to meet the challenges of the Arctic and to fight and win in any environment, regardless of home station. Leaders and individuals must understand the effects of the Arctic and extreme cold weather environments and must have the training, stamina, and willpower to take the proper actions.

This manual provides the doctrinal foundation for Soldiers/Marines to understand the Arctic’s operational environment and conduct arctic and extreme cold weather operations. The fundamentals of this manual are also applicable to all cold weather environments. This manual also informs DOTMLPF-P (doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership and education, personnel, facilities, and policy) improvements as the Army/Marine Corps regains arctic dominance.

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