Taq-Strap + C-A-T

The Taq-Strap Integrated Tourniquet by Alien Gear Holsters and the North American Rescue Combat Application Tourniquet (C-A-T) system are both designed to address severe bleeding in tactical and emergency situations and work in complementary ways to provide rapid and effective treatment. The Taq-Strap Integrated Tourniquet is an innovative device that replaces standard holster straps with a pre-positioned tourniquet. Its primary advantage is to stop femoral bleeding within seconds of injury while keeping the holster secured to the leg. This rapid response capability is crucial in high-stress combat or law enforcement scenarios where every second counts. Key features of the Taq-Strap include:

  1. Immediate accessibility: The tourniquet is already in place on the thigh, allowing for quick application without the need to retrieve additional equipment.
  2. One-handed operation: It can be applied with a single hand, even in low-visibility conditions or when contaminated.
  3. Tactical feasibility: Users can maintain “eyes on target” and continue engaging threats while applying the tourniquet.
  4. Universal compatibility: The Taq-Strap integrates with various tactical equipment, including holsters, gas mask bags, and IFAKs.

The Taq-Strap excels in providing immediate hemorrhage control for leg injuries. At the same time, the North American Rescue C-A-T system continues to address the wound in a care-under-fire circumstance. The C-A-T is a traditional tourniquet that can be applied to arms and legs, making it an essential complement to the Taq-Strap. Here’s how these two systems can work together effectively:

  1. Initial response: In the case of a leg injury, the Taq-Strap can be immediately applied to control bleeding within seconds. This buys crucial time and allows the responder to focus on other immediate threats or injuries.
  2. Secondary treatment: Once the situation allows, the C-A-T can be applied as a more permanent solution, following TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) guidelines. This two-step approach ensures continuous care from the point of injury to evacuation.
  3. Comprehensive coverage: While the Taq-Strap is designed for leg injuries, the C-A-T system can be used for upper extremity injuries or as a backup for lower extremity injuries.
  4. Training consistency: Many operators are already familiar with the C-A-T system. By using both the Taq-Strap and C-A-T, responders can leverage their existing training while benefiting from the rapid response of the integrated system.
  5. Redundancy: In critical situations, having multiple tourniquet options increases the likelihood of successful hemorrhage control for yourself and others you intend to care for.

By combining the Taq-Strap Integrated Tourniquet with the NAR C-A-T system, operators can create a comprehensive approach to severe bleeding control. The Taq-Strap provides an immediate solution for leg injuries, allowing for rapid response in the heat of battle or during high-stress situations. The C-A-T system then offers a versatile follow-up option that can be applied more deliberately once the immediate threat has been addressed.

This dual-system approach maximizes the chances of survival by providing both speed and versatility in treating severe bleeding. It’s a powerful combination that leverages the strengths of the innovative (Taq-Strap) and traditional (C-A-T) tourniquet systems, ensuring that responders are well-equipped to handle life-threatening hemorrhages in any tactical or emergency scenario.