The 80th Anniversary of D-Day

The 80th Anniversary of D-Day

The stroke of midnight marks the 80th anniversary of D-Day of Operation Overlord. For but a small few of the men who stormed the beaches of fortress, this may well be their last celebration of this amazing feat. Many are gathering in Normandy to commemorate this day.

Operation Overlord remains the largest amphibious operation in history, landing over 156,000 troops in the first day alone, ultimately accounting for 326,000 troops and 50,000 vehicles ashore during the operation.

But it wasn’t just an amphibious landing. Simultaneously, 18,000 paratroopers from the US, UK, and Poland made airborne insertions via parachute and glider into France. We were all in, and it paid off.

The men and women of our greatest generation sacrificed so much to liberate Europe from Nazi oppression. Let’s take our hats off and offer a moment of reflection, considering their love of freedom and desire for a lasting peace.

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